Somewhat Dim Sushi Restaurant Part-Timer Wants You to Try His Deep-Fried Scissors

As much as we love Japan – quirks and all – we’re going to come right out and say that the Japanese sense of humor (especially for those of the young male persuasion) tends to be a little, well, juvenile.

As we’ve already shown you, for example, Twitter seems to be used primarily as a place to post pictures of your borderline illegal activities and/or fire-able offense on-the-job pranks, and, as this photo proves, nowhere is safe. Not even your local sushi joint.


This photo was posted by an oblivious part-time worker at a location of the Hamazushi “conveyor belt” (kaiten) sushi chain. In grand Japanese slapstick tradition, the hapless employee forewent frying something that might have been ironically funny (like frying the rice and leaving the tempura raw or something), and instead just tossed whatever was lying around into the deep fryer and set it on a bed of sushi rice. Yawn.

While this might have been funny if somebody at Sukibayashi Jiro or some other 5-star sushi restaurant had done it, Hamazushi is far from the classiest of places; The type of joint where you might actually half expect fish heads, chicken feet and haphazardly fried office supplies on the “specials” menu.

Via Twitter

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